Friday, 29. July 2011
Websecurify 0.9
Websecurify is a powerful web application security testing platform designed from the ground up to provide the best combination of automatic and manual vulnerability testing technologies.




IDA PRO 2nd Edition
Here is the core information about the book,

Title: IDA PRO Book – 2nd Edition
Author:Chris Eagle
Publisher: No Starch Press
Pages: 672
Release Date: July 14, 2011

Here is the table of contents

PART I: Introduction to IDA
Chapter 1: Introduction to Disassembly
Chapter 2: Reversing and Disassembly Tools
Chapter 3: IDA Pro Background

PART II: Basic IDA Usage
Chapter 4: Getting Started with IDA
Chapter 5: IDA Data Displays
Chapter 6: Disassembly Navigation
Chapter 7: Disassembly Manipulation
Chapter 8: Datatypes and Data Structures
Chapter 9: Cross-References and Graphing
Chapter 10: The Many Faces of IDA

PART III: Advanced IDA Usage
Chapter 11: Customizing IDA
Chapter 12: Library Recognition Using FLIRT Signatures
Chapter 13: Extending IDA’s Knowledge
Chapter 14: Patching Binaries and Other IDA Limitations

PART IV: Extending IDA’s Capabilities
Chapter 15: IDA Scripting
Chapter 16: The IDA Software Development Kit
Chapter 17: The IDA Plug-in Architecture
Chapter 18: Binary Files and IDA Loader Modules
Chapter 19: IDA Processor Modules

PART V: Real-World Applications
Chapter 20: Compiler Personalities
Chapter 21: Obfuscated Code Analysis
Chapter 22: Vulnerability Analysis
Chapter 23: Real-World IDA Plug-ins

PART VI: The IDA Debugger
Chapter 24: The IDA Debugger
Chapter 25: Disassembler/Debugger Integration
Chapter 26: Additional Debugger Features

Appendix A: Using IDA Freeware 5.0
Appendix B: IDC/SDK Cross-Reference




SQueRT 0.9.0
Squert is a web application that is used to query and view event data stored in a Sguil database (typically IDS alert data). Squert is a visual tool that attempts to provide additional context to events through the use of metadata, time series representations and weighted and logically grouped result sets.

