Saturday, 25. February 2012
Metasploit 4.2.0 - What's New
Since last release in October, Metasploit added 54 new exploits, 66 new auxiliary modules, 43 new post-exploitation modules, and 18 new payloads.

Release Note




SIPVicious tool suite
SIPVicious suite is a set of tools that can be used to audit SIP based VoIP systems. It currently consists of four tools:

svmap - this is a sip scanner. Lists SIP devices found on an IP range
svwar - identifies active extensions on a PBX
svcrack - an online password cracker for SIP PBX
svreport - manages sessions and exports reports to various formats
svcrash - attempts to stop unauthorized svwar and svcrack scans




Hardanger - web testing platform
Hardanger is an open source web application penetration testing platform for Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Current Features

Native Windows feel via Windows Presentation Foundation
Can run as a Fiddler2 add-on or standalone
ClickOnce installer with automatic updates (standalone version)
Context tab allowing inspection of full HTTP requests
Server fuzzer tab to configure and launch the server fuzzer
Basic random fuzzer generates random strings of UTF8 characters of random lengths
Non HTTP 200 detection engine
Results window keeping track of successful detections
Ability to review requests/responses in the results details window




PacketFence - network access control system - Linux
The PacketFence development team has published version 3.2.0 of its open source network access control (NAC) system. PacketFence allows organisations to increase control over their network by enforcing authentication and registration for newly connected devices. It also enables abnormal network activity detection and the isolation of troublesome devices.

