Monday, 2. April 2012
John the Ripper - GUI
John The Ripper(JTR), a Fastest command line password cracker tool. 'Johnny' is a GUI for John the Ripper.
This GUI version will be very helpful to those who struggle with Command line tool.




WSO 2.5 Webshell
This utility provides a Web interface for remote operation c operating system and its service / daemon.
Opportunity Description / features:

Authorization for cookies
Server Information
File manager (copy, rename, move, delete, chmod, touch, creating files and folders)
View, hexview, editing, downloading,
uploading files
Working with zip archives (packing, unpacking) + compression tar.gz
SQL Manager (MySql, PostgreSql)
Execute PHP code
Working with Strings + hash search online databases
Bindport and back-Connect (Perl)
Bruteforce FTP, MySQL, PgSQL
Search files, search text in files
Support for * nix-like and Windows systems
Antipoiskovik (check User-Agent, if a search engine then returns 404 error)
You can use AJAX
Small size. The boxed version is 22.8 Kb
Choice of encoding, which employs a shell.

Default password: root
(if you want to change it change the auth_pass variable value with your md5 encoded password.



Create: 2005-07-18
X-Scan is a general scanner for scanning network vulnerabilities for specific IP address scope or stand-alone computer by multi-threading method, plug-ins are supportable. Which X-Scan feature include in the following: service type, remote OS type and version detection, weak user/password pair, and all of the nessus attack scripts combination.

