Wednesday, 20. July 2011
16 Suspected 'Anonymous' Hackers Arrested
16 Suspected 'Anonymous' Hackers Arrested in Nationwide Sweep

19.07.11 22:32 Sixteen suspected members of "Anonymous" were arrested this morning in states including Florida, New Jersey and California, in what appears to be a nationwide takedown of the notorious hacking group, has exclusively learned.
The arrests and the 30 to 40 search warrants issued by the feds Tuesday are part of an ongoing investigation into Anonymous, which has claimed responsibility for numerous cyberattacks against a variety of websites including Visa and Mastercard.



Tuesday, 19. July 2011
Microsoft offers $250,000 of Rustock Botnet
Microsoft Declares "Today, we take our pursuit a step further. After publishing notices in two Russian newspapers last month to notify the Rustock operators of the civil lawsuit, we decided to augment our civil discovery efforts to identify those responsible for controlling the notorious Rustock botnet by issuing a monetary reward in the amount of $250,000 for new information.




Monday, 18. July 2011
CryptoBin - Secure Pastebin
"CryptoBin is a secure pastebin service with origins dating back to 2005 as a privately used project. After noticing the lack of a public secure, stable and clean pastebin service, CryptoBin was re-coded and launched publicly in May 2011."




Windows XP die in 1000 days
Finally, the count down begins for Windows XP. The software giant Microsoft said that it will stop support for Windows XP, the world's most popular operating system, after three years.

Microsoft began countdown to the end for Windows X on Monday, Jul 11 and will be end on 1000th day. The company also said that it will not any kind of support to the old operating system. Microsoft is aiming to boost the sale of Windows 7, the latest version.



Sunday, 17. July 2011
UPDATE: Malware Analyzer v3.2
This is the official change log for the updated release:

Added ThreatExpert for online scanning option
Packed libraries onto single executable
Improved Traces signatures
Bug Fixes




Friday, 15. July 2011
UK Vodafone Phone Hacking method
The Hacker's Choice announced a security problem with Vodafone's Mobile Phone Network today. An attacker can listen to any UK Vodafone customer's phone call. An attacker can exploit a vulnerability in 3G/UMTS/WCDMA - the latest and most secure mobile phone standard in use today. Vodafone released its femto cell to the general public. This means anyone can run his own UMTS network in his house. The box connects back via your DSL connection into their mobile network. This is an initial project to gather information about the technology and verify the security.



Thursday, 14. July 2011
Chaos Computer Club releases schedule for summer camp
The Chaos Computer Club has released a first draft schedule of the presentations that are planned for the Chaos Communication Camp from 10 to 14 August in Finowfurt, Germany. The "flight schedule" for the presentations at the former Russian military airport's Kourou and Baikonur hangars is still rudimentary, but it does indicate where the journey is set to go: over the coming 23 years, hackers will conquer space and rebalance the flow control between the hacker metaverse and the harsh reality of life.

Presentations on rocket technology, on building solid rocket and hybrid rocket engines, on satellite communication and on research into the security of TETRA radio, demonstrate that the hackers are setting out to conquer more than just the noosphere as a communication membrane.

Another group of earth-related presentations discusses the consequences of the changes in energy policy. From the correct recyling procedure for unwanted gadgets and open source photovoltaics to building wind turbinesGerman language, creative hackers will be presented with a whole range of new research topics. The whole event is rounded off with such summery topics as sports for nerdsGerman language and the sudorific material presented by the "Post Privacy Spackeria"German language. Conventional hackers with a tendency towards security consultancy will enjoy the presentation by the OpenLeaks project, which will be tested for security vulnerabilities by every trick in the book during the camp.

On the camp site, the hackers will be staying in currently 70 villages structured along the lines of the global villages envisioned by centenarian Marshall McLuhan. Tickets for the open air event are 175 euros, reduced to only 140 euros when booked before 20 July. Those who are less than 18 earthling years of age can get in for 50 euros. A total of 3,500 tickets is available. Special rates are also available when travelling to the event by train.

(Detlef Borchers / ehe)

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Wednesday, 13. July 2011
Exploit & Vulnerability Search Engine
online search for currently utilizing data from NVD, OSVDB, SecurityFocus, Exploit-DB, Metasploit, Nessus, OpenVAS, and PacketStorm.Well search engine does the work but this is a specific search engine for better results.




Monday, 11. July 2011
Hackers Family Tree
Many People are still confused by all the hacking groups that were and ruling the internet now.You must be confused between the connection between Anonymous , LulzSec and AntiSec . Why Team Poison attacked LulzSec and Anonymous. Ahh it is really confusing even i get confuse at times.



Friday, 8. July 2011
The Top 500 Worst Passwords
The Top 500 Worst Passwords of All Time

Check The Link..
