Wednesday, 5. October 2011
Hash Code Cracker 1.2
This software will crack the MD5, SHA1,NTLM(Windows Password) hash codes. No need to install. Supports All platforms(windows XP/7,Linux,..).

How to run the software?

Download the .zip file and extract.
Extract the zip file.
Open the Terminal or command prompt.
Navigate to the path of Extracted zip file (i mean HashCodeCracker Folder) in Terminal.
Type this command "java -jar HashCodeCracker.jar".
Now the application will run.




Saturday, 1. October 2011
Priv3 Firefox Extension
Priv3 protects your privacy by blocking trackers, but still shows social snippets like Facebook Comments, +1, like buttons so you don’t miss any content. Once you interact with the social snippet, it reloads the cookies and tracking starts again, so unless and until you interact with the snippet, the addon keeps blocking the trackers.




JonDo 00.16.001
JonDo is an open source and free-of-charge program for Windows, Linux and MacOS X. It hides the user's IP adress behind an anonymous IP address. In contrast to other anonymizers (VPNs, anonymous proxy servers), the user's anonymity stays protected even against the providers (operators) of the anonymous IP address.




Wednesday, 28. September 2011
Cyber Security Evaluation Tool (CSET)
CSET is a desktop software tool that guides users through a step-by-step process to assess their control system and information technology network security practices against recognized industry standards. The output from CSET is a prioritized list of recommendations for improving the cybersecurity posture of the organization's enterprise and industrial control cyber systems. The tool derives the recommendations from a database of cybersecurity standards, guidelines, and practices. Each recommendation is linked to a set of actions that can be applied to enhance cybersecurity controls.




iScanner - Linux
iScanner is a free open source tool lets you detect and remove malicious codes and web page malwares from your website easily and automatically. iScanner will not only show you the infected files in your server but it's also able to clean these files by removing the malware code ONLY from the infected files.




TransformTool currently supports the following transformations:
HTML Encode/Decode
XML Escape/Unescape
URL Encode/Decode
URL Encode Unicode
URL Encode/Decode raw bytes
Base 64 Encode/Decode
HEX Encode/Decode
Charsets (ASCII, Latin-1, UTF-8, UTF-16)
Common hash functions (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, RIPEMD-160)




Saturday, 10. September 2011
FBPwn - Facebook Profile Dumper
AddVictimFriends: Request to add some or all friends of Bob to increase the chance of Bob accepting any future requests, after he finds that you have common friends.
ProfileCloner: A list of all Bob’s friends is displayed, you choose one of them (we’ll call him Andy). FBPwn will change Mallory’s display picture, and basic info to match Andy’s. This will generate more chance that Bob accepts requests from Mallory as he thinks he is accepting from Andy. Eventually Bob will realize this is not Andy’s account, but probably it would be too late as all his info are already saved for offline checking by Mallory.
CheckFriendRequest: Check if mallory is already friend of Bob, then just end execution. If not, the module tries to add bob as as a friend and poll waiting for him to accept. The module will not stop executing until the friend request is accepted.
DumpFriends: Accessable friends of Bob is saved for offline viewing. The output of the module depends on other modues, if mallory is not a friend of Bob yet, the data might not be accessable and nothing will be dumped.
DumpImages: Accessable images (tagged and albums) are saved for offline viewing. Same limitations of dump friends applies.
DumpInfo: Accessable basic info are saved for offline viewing. Same limitations of dump friends applies.




Friday, 9. September 2011
OWADE - Windows Analysis and Data Extraction
OWADE is in alpha version and is only available by checking out the code directly as we update it very frequently. Note that the current version has only been tested on ubuntu 10.10 against Windows XP drives. When we reach a stable version we will release a tgz.




Registry Decoder
Digital forensics deals with the analysis of artifacts on all types of digital devices. One of the most prevalent analysis techniques performed is that of the registry hives contained in Microsoft Windows operating systems. Registry Decoder was developed with the purpose of providing a single tool for the acquisition, analysis, and reporting of registry contents.




DDOs Tracer - 1.0

